GAP Analysis


Members - Your replay with links is here.

Set your agency apart from the 'cheap seo' guys using these two different types of GAP analysis.  Also shown are tools to make fulfillment easier.

The Gap Analysis process includes:

  1. Describe the general area - digital marketing
  2. Identify specific improvement areas - in this case we pick two, content and social media
  3. Determine targets - world domination .. is there anything else?
  4. Determine current state - what do you have in place already
  5. Determine Action Steps - start with incremental improvements

The result of both the content and the social gap analysis is going to require more content ... so that's where other sheets out of the Battle Plan come into play - and I talk briefly about a handful that will get you rocking.

If you don't have access to the battle plan, you can get it, along with the other resources listed by subscribing to our Ninja Training

Also I mentioned that a couple of spaces are still available for the ...

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A 300% Increase in Salesā€¦ No, REALLY!

This week we discuss two of today's hottest conversion increasing communication elements you can implement on your website - these have been shown to increase engagement up to 5000% and sales up to 300% - More information here.

Here's the replay:


Slide deck from webinar:

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